The themes of the Matthew 25 invitation are grounded in the gospel. Jesus calls us to serve with and for “the least of these” — not as a group to be pitied, but as people who are deeply loved by Jesus.
We aim to help multiply this loving commitment to radical and fearless discipleship by working to embrace one or more of these three focuses:
• Building congregational vitality by challenging the congregation and our members to deepen and energize their faith and grow as joyful leaders and disciples actively engaged with their community, seeing new disciples engaged in ministry and longstanding believers develop in faith as the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared in word and deed.
• Dismantling structural racism by fearlessly applying our faith to advocate and break down the systems, practices and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice and oppression of people of color.
• Eradicating systemic poverty by acting on our beliefs and working to change laws, policies, plans and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor
Join us on this journey!

Love An Other:
The Bible’s Call to Unity, Justice, and Equity featuring Rev. Denise Anderson. This 5-part series explores the sociological practice of “othering” and the Christian’s responsibility to eradicate it.
Learn More – Here