Dr. Andy’s Message to the Congregation – July 2024

What do you love about First Presbyterian Jacksonville?

Before answering this question, consider the last time you invited a friend to hang out. What did you say? Maybe it was something like:

“Hey, want to grab dinner at this great restaurant down the street? Their wood-fired pizza is incredible!”

Or, if you were planning something for the whole family:

“We should get the kids together this weekend. I know this perfect spot by the river for a picnic. The little ones can run around while we catch up.”

Sometimes, you might even share a personal passion:

“I’ve been meaning to tell you about my yoga class. The instructor is fantastic – so knowledgeable and inspiring. Every time I leave, I feel like a new person. If you have time, you should join me next week?”

Notice something? In each of these invitations, you’re not just suggesting an activity. You’re sharing a slice of your life – something you enjoy, a place that matters to you, or an experience that’s made a difference. You’re excited and want your friend to be part of that excitement.

This is the essence of any invitation, whether it’s for dinner, a picnic, a yoga class, or even… church. It’s about sharing something meaningful, something that adds value to your life.

When you invite someone First Presbyterian, what are you asking them to experience?

Hopefully, you’d find yourself saying things like:

“We are the most welcoming and loving community I’ve ever encountered.”

“We find reasons to laugh every Sunday morning.”

“We are an open-minded community that provides a safe place for people to explore their faith.”

This week, take a few minutes to reflect on your church home. What parts of the congregation fill you with pride? What makes this church so special you have to tell others? What would you miss the most if First Presbyterian closed its doors tomorrow?

Embracing Change: A Journey of Faith

Change can be unsettling. As our ministry evolves, facing the unknown might stir feelings of uncertainty. But as Christians, we find comfort in knowing God walks beside us. This transition requires prayer, seeking divine guidance, and taking faithful action. Here’s how we can move forward together:

1. Seek Divine Wisdom: Let’s pray for God’s clarity, courage, and discernment as we navigate this journey.

2. Scripture as Our Guide: The Bible offers timeless wisdom and comfort as we navigate uncharted territories.

3. Leaning on Our Community: We are stronger together. Contact trusted mentors, friends, and leaders within our faith community.

4. Facing Our Fears: Acknowledge and name your anxieties. Understanding them empowers us to move past them.

5. Trusting in God’s Faithfulness: While trusting the unknown is challenging, that’s the essence of faith. Believe in God’s plan.

6. Stepping Boldly Forward: Embark on this journey with courage! Embrace new possibilities, learn along the way, and trust that God will lead us to exciting opportunities.

Change is inevitable, but it can also be a catalyst for growth. While we may fear losing control, Christians are called to step out in faith. By relying on God’s strength, seeking guidance, and supporting one another, we can navigate this change and embrace a future filled with growth and service.

Dr. Andy’s April Newsletter: Embracing Discernment

Life is rarely a straight line.  We all experience transitions, big and small – a new job, the birth of a child, or even a sudden change in health. These experiences will rock our foundation, leaving us feeling unsteady. However, these periods of uncertainty create perfect opportunities to embrace discernment.

Discernment isn’t about making the “right” choice. It’s about deep listening, patience, and wisdom. When our actions and intentions align with the love of God, we become attuned to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. So how do we strengthen this connection with God? How do we make informed decisions in moments of transition?

Keys to Discernment:

Quiet Reflection: In the constant noise of life, we must create space for stillness. Prayer, meditation, spending time in nature – these practices allow us to hear the quiet nudges of God.

Seek Wisdom: Surround yourself with trusted mentors, spiritual advisors, and people you trust.

Listen: Pay attention to your emotions. Does a decision fill you with dread or excitement? Does it align with your core values?

Letting Go and Holding On:

Transitions require an act of courage: We may need to release a comfortable routine, a self-limiting belief, or even a dream that no longer ignites our passion. Letting go may hurt, but it’s the brave choice that unlocks growth and a brighter tomorrow.

Hold onto Faith: Trust that God is present, offering guidance and strength.

Hold onto Hope: Believe that even in the unknown, there is good waiting for you.

Discernment is a Journey, Not a Destination:

It takes patience, trust, and a willingness to surrender to the unknown. We are family and we are in this together. Through prayer, support, and shared wisdom, we can all navigate life’s transitions with grace and a sense of purpose.

In this time of discernment, I want us to imagine the future of First Presbyterian Jacksonville, what elements are non-negotiable?

Hey First Presbyterian Jacksonville! 👋

It’s Dr. Andy here, your current stated supply pastor. You might be thinking, “Okay, but what does ‘stated supply’ really mean?”

Think of it like this: I’m your church’s long-term substitute teacher. Just like when your favorite teacher goes on leave, I’m stepping in to guide the class for a while. I’ll be leading lessons (sermons!), overseeing activities (ministries!), and generally making sure things run smoothly while we all figure out the next steps together.

As your temporary teacher…er, minister… I’m here to handle:

  • Powerful Sunday Lessons: Preaching that inspires and challenges.
  • Important Class Projects: Officiating services, leading Communion, and those other special things.
  • Troubleshooting and Planning: Working with our school board (the session!) on problem-solving and what’s next.
  • Extra-curricular Activities: I’m even helping out with the Pre-School and leading those fun-loving Wednesday morning Children’s Chapels!

I’m so excited to be part of your classroom…I mean, church family! If you see me around, or just have questions about anything, come say hi!

Blessings, Dr. Andy