SUNDAY SCHOOL – 9:45am Sunday mornings

Children & Youth (4 years old and up).
Leaders: A Team of teachers rotate weekly
Location: Upstairs Sunday School Classroom in the educational building
Curriculum: This class introduces learners to biblical stores in new and creative ways. Uses age-appropriate learning activities and challenges learners to put their faith into action.
Leader: Christeen Hyden
Location: On hallway connecting to the fellowship hall and across from the church library
Leader: Dr. Bob Krause
Curriculum: Exploring the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
Location: Library
Leader: Shirley Phillips
Curriculum: The Present Word
Location: Beulah Sadler Parlor across from the church office

WOMEN’S CIRCLE – The Lydia Circle

is a group that meets monthly and is dedicated to studying, supporting, and loving each other along the journey of faith.

They meet the second Monday of the month (Sept. – May) at 1:30pm in the fellowship hall.

HANDBELL CHOIR First Presbyterian has a handbell choir that performs during the 11AM worship service. The ringers are led by Sheila Miller and the group practices on Tuesdays at 4PM in the church worship space. Call the church office at 910-455-2434 if you’d like more information or to join the handbell group.

Christian Faith Practices Toolkit is available

Whether you’re just joining the convers​ation on Christian practices or you’re a seasoned veteran, we hope you’ll find this resource stimulating and helpful for cultivating a renewed interest in formative rituals within your faith community.

Explore each component of the toolkit at the link below. We recommend you start with the introduction document to understand how to use the toolkit.
Click Here

Opening Doors To Discipleship –

This resource is a series of four online courses in the Presbyterian/Reformed tradition to help equip both young and experienced Christians to be faithful disciples.

Use this link – to find the website.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I’ll show you how to fish for people.” Right away they left their nets and followed him. (Matthew 4:19–20)

The mission of the Opening Doors to Discipleship website is to support the faith journey of people seeking to follow Jesus today as leaders and learners in Christian community.

  • For those who are called to teach, to lead, and to walk beside others on the journey of faith, come.
  • For those who want to know more about the Bible, our Reformed traditions, and the way of Christ, come.
  • For those who find it hard to follow Jesus teachings and to share the good news with others, come.


10 Faith Practices At Home